Allied Health Professionals in the Public Sector should start receiving their long overdue 2016 CPD Allowance payments in the coming weeks. This comes as a direct result of VAHPA’s unrelenting pursuit of the entitlement.

VAHPA, the Department of Health and Human Services and the Victorian Industrial Hospitals’ Association, have met on many occasions to discuss the merits of our claim for payment of this allowance.

“The process has been a long and frustrating one,” noted Branch Secretary Craig McGregor. “We are disappointed that it took threats of serious legal action, with the risk of massive fines for the hospitals, to resolve the matter in favour of the members,” concluded McGregor.

This is a $1.5 million win for AHPs across the state.

Should payment not be made in the coming weeks please  follow up with your line manager, HR, payroll and of course contact VAHPA on 1300 322 917 or