VAHPA Delegates
Become a Delegate
Delegates are the heart and soul of our Union. They are the people who volunteer their time and energy to represent their work colleagues and stand up for what’s right in the workplace.
Delegates act as a first port of call for members and staff with concerns or issues about their workplace. Delegates represent members during Enterprise Agreement negotiations and keep members informed on important workplace campaigns.

Where Delegates are unable to manage an issue independently, they are able to refer members to the Union office. The rights of workplace Delegates to represent their fellow workers and the Union are protected by law.
- View the VAHPA Delegate Policy
- View our Workplace Committees Policy
Delegate Elections
VAHPA regularly seeks nominations from members and holds elections for Delegates on a workplace by workplace basis.
As per our Delegate Policy, all members in the relevant workplace are advised personally by email and on this web page in advance of elections and are invited to submit nominations.