Twenty new and senior Allied Health jobs will be rolled out across the state as a result of successful negotiations between VAHPA and the Andrews Labor Government.

The positions, worth almost $3 million per annum, were finalised as part of the last round of public sector negotiations and are to flesh out the new vocational structure VAHPA fought to have built into the new Enterprise Agreement.

Minister for Health, Jill Hennessy announced the positions publicly yesterday, noting, “We are building a highly-skilled allied health workforce in Victoria. More jobs mean better access to first class allied health care for people recovering from illness or injury, when they need it most.”

The positions include 10 new Allied Health Clinical Educators at Grade 3 and 10 new Allied Health Research and Translation roles at Grade 4.

Health services to recruit for the positions include Alfred Health, Eastern Health, Ballarat Health Services, Barwon Health, Peninsula Health, Bendigo Health, Melbourne Health, Monash Health, St Vincent’s Hospital, Western Health, Austin Health, Goulburn Valley Health, South West Healthcare, Bairnsdale Regional Health Service, Royal Children’s Hospital and Bass Coast Health.

The Clinical Educator positions are to be advertised in the very near future and all positions are to be filled by 1 July 2018 at the latest.