Members’ logs of claims for the Enterprise Agreement have now been served on ten individual Community Health Centres (CHCs).

These Centres have elected union delegates who have been active in getting their workplace ready for bargaining over the past few weeks. If you are interested in becoming a delegate in order to represent members in bargaining at your centre, please get in touch as soon as possible. Delegate training is also currently underway (see dates below) so it is the perfect time to get involved!

Consultations with members over logs of claims have also revealed issues around the portability of sick leave and Long Service Leave. When Health Professionals change jobs within the community health and public sectors, these entitlements are able to be transferred between employers.  Contrary to popular misconceptions, the Health Services Act 1988 continues to provide for this entitlement across different EAs in the public and community health sectors. However, if any members are having problems with their management not recognising this leave portability they should contact the VHPA.

Further meetings have also been held with a number of Centres to discuss the logs of claims. In these meetings the VHPA’s basic negotiating position has not changed. We are seeking:

  • An equitable pay rise that provides parity with similar Health Professionals in Community Health;
  • Backpay from July 2011;
  • Conditions that help attract and retain HPs in the sector;
  • Different expiry date to the public sector; and
  • Improved rights for consultation and dispute resolution.

“We are acutely aware that members have been between agreements for some three years now and want to conclude negotiations as soon as possible,” said Craig McGregor, VHPA Secretary.

“But we are not prepared to sacrifice a good outcome for expediency. The impact of such a myopic approach would have a negative effect on Community Health Professionals for years to come.”

>> Community Health EA Campaign – Frequently Asked Questions – available on request