MORE than fifty people attended a BBQ held by the Union today to support RTs and everyone concerned about or affected by the Review of Radiation Therapy Services at Peter Mac.
The Review has flagged major changes to the way RT services are delivered by Peter Mac and staff are concerned about the impact on job security, workloads, safety and the standard of patient care.
The Health Professionals Union has been actively working to ensure employees concerns are taken into account by the Review. A general meeting of RT members was held last week. Having gained greater clarity on the unified voice of staff, the Union then issued a letter of demand to Peter Mac management seeking an immediate moratorium on the implementation of the Review. This was followed by meetings between management and the Union.
Considering the very wintry weather, today’s BBQ was a great success with Health Professionals displaying bright blue ‘RespecT uS’ badges and signs and enjoying the informal gathering which was held in the gardens directly opposite Peter Mac in East Melbourne.
In a short a speech at the BBQ, Craig McGregor thanked everyone for attending and said the Union was determined to ensure there was genuine consultation with staff over the Review.