After almost four years without a pay rise, frustrated Community Health professionals have launched a city-wide pre-election poster campaign.“Where’s the money Dr Napthine?” posters will appear across the city in the coming weeks as health professionals escalate their campaign. Pay rates for speech pathologists, occupational therapists, physiotherapist and other professionals working in Community Health are the lowest in the country.
Health Centres are having increasing difficulty recruiting staff, as professionals opt for the private sector and hospitals.“We have multiple examples of positions being unfilled for many months and advertisements for vacancies going unanswered. Waiting lists blow out as a result and Victorian communities suffer” said VHPA Branch Secretary, Craig McGegor. Community health centers play an absolutely crucial role in taking the pressure off our over-burdened public hospital system.
Health Professionals at ISIS Primary Care, Banyule Community Health and Cohealth are currently engaged in ongoing industrial action.
A stop work and rally is scheduled for October 16 at parliament house (1.30pm).
Date: 1.30pm Thursday 16th September
Place: Parliament House, Spring StPlease contact the VHPA for high resolution photos.
Craig McGregor, Secretary, 0410 880 156
Emma Brelsford, Organiser, 0400 887 933