The mass meeting of 04 August is now almost certain to be a stop work meeting. Five hours of bargaining today, for a new public sector Enterprise Agreement, has seen the parties move only marginally closer to resolving the outstanding issues.

VAHPA remains hopeful that the Victorian Hospitals’ Industrial Association will accept the compromise positions put by VAHPA late in the meeting and thus avoid the prospect of ongoing stop work action. Bargaining resumes at 1:30 pm tomorrow.

“We are keen to resolve this round of bargaining as soon as possible however we will not agree to conditions that are detrimental to patients or Allied Health Professionals,” said VAHPA Secretary Craig McGregor.

VAHPA, as a democratic and transparent organisation, will ensure that members have time to properly consider the document before being asked to vote on it.

“I am hoping that we can put a draft agreement out to members shortly after the conclusion of tomorrow’s bargaining meeting,” noted McGregor.

“I must be absolutely clear however that the draft is just that—a draft; there are bound to be many changes to the document before it is finalised and put out to members for a formal consideration and ballot in accordance with the legislation. The old industrial relations maxim holds true—nothing is agreed until everything is agreed,” concluded McGregor.

While there can be no in-principle agreement on the draft prior to formal approval by the Andrews government and by the cabinet economic sub-committee, VAHPA will be presenting what it views as an acceptable wages position to the members at the 04 August meeting.

Further updates to come tomorrow…

Stop Work Meeting
04 August 2 – 4 pm followed by a march on Treasury.
Members are reminded that dinosaurs and t-shirts are essential.