As Members would be aware, the Clause 11 variations to the Public Sector Agreement were approved by the Fair Work Commission on 31 October 2014.

Since then, Public Sector Health Professionals have been waiting on a range of things to be processed by their Hospitals including the new Grade 2, Year 5 increment and associated back pay and the payment of the Continuing Professional Development Allowance (CPDA).

Whilst some staff have received the CPDA cash, others haven’t and to date we are unaware of any Health Service that has successfully managed to complete all the elements.

A range of reasons for the delays have been proffered by management including waiting for advice from the VHIA and then waiting to be advised on payroll coding.  However, these issues were resolved some weeks ago.

We have of course raised this with the VHIA as a matter of urgency and they are making enquiries with the various hospitals.

Put simply, we think Public Sector Health Professionals have been patient for long enough!  We are asking Members to email your Payroll Departments and ask them to confirm when the relevant payments and/or adjustments will be processed.  If you have not received these payments by the promised date, please forward the responses to us at and we can pursue them more formally.