With a week to go the Public Sector EA Survey is going extremely well. Almost 20% of all Victorian Public Sector Health Professionals have taken the time to voice their opinion and tell us about their workplace concerns.

“The massive level of engagement is clearly a reflection of the fact that many issues are at crisis point in the workplace, particularly around staffing levels,” said VHPA Secretary, Craig McGregor.

“This campaign will be a turning point for Allied Health Professionals. We have been left behind over the past two bargaining rounds, it is time we bridged the gap.”

“This isn’t just about ensuring we have well-staffed and effective hospitals; this is about ensuring Allied Health Professional jobs are good jobs, well paid jobs, jobs our children will want to do.”

“Members need to tell us what that looks like. We need as many people doing the survey as possible,” concluded McGregor.

The survey will close on Friday 3 July so, if you’ve not completed it yet – or know a Health Professional colleague who hasn’t – the link is https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/VHPA-PSC16.

It’s 8 minutes investment for an Agreement, which will govern the next 3 or 4 years of your working life.