One year ago today we stood in solidarity, some seven-hundred of us, to demand a fair and reasonable public sector agreement. And, as you will no doubt recall, we won the day.
Of course entitlements on paper do not simply and immediately translate into entitlements in the workplace. We must continue to stand together, vigilant and fearless; we must hold each and every employer to the agreement. And let’s be clear, this is an agreement. We agreed to it as employees and your bosses agreed to it as employers.
VAHPA Organisers will continue to visit the workplace and provide members with the tools they need to enforce the agreement. Keep your eyes peeled for our Student Supervision Guide which should be out soon. We also have plans to continue rolling out the “Lunch and Learn” sessions so that members are acutely aware of their rights around workplace vacancies, annual leave, personal leave, higher duties allowances and so on. Members should also keep their eyes peeled for bound hardcopy editions of the agreement; coming soon to a department near you.