On 9 September 2015, we served your log of claims on your employers via their bargaining representative, the Victorian Hospitals’ Industrial Association (VHIA).

The timing of this is important; we worked hard to ensure that your log was prepared (with extensive consultation) and properly approved by you in time for bargaining to formally commence on 1 October 2015.

Disappointingly however, formal bargaining has not yet commenced. The Notice of Employee Representational Rights that employers are required to provide to employees once an employer has formally agreed to bargain has not yet been sent to employees and VAHPA has not yet received the employers’ log of claims.

VAHPA has voiced its frustration at what we see as unnecessary delay to the start of formal bargaining to the relevant parties on multiple occasions. The option of going to the Fair Work Commission to get the employers to formally commence bargaining remains open to us. However we are keen to avoid an ugly start to bargaining if at all possible. We see no reason why this round of bargaining can’t be respectful, timely and mature.

“We are extremely disappointed by these delays,” said VAHPA Secretary, Craig McGregor. “This round of bargaining is vital for Allied Health Professionals, and the last thing we need is to see it dragged out unnecessarily.”

“We have proposed intensive bargaining throughout December to counteract these delays,” concluded McGregor.

We will be providing regular updates on bargaining throughout the period. Keep you eyes peeled and get your colleagues on board!