Will industrial action impact patient care or safety?
Our industrial action strategy has been carefully designed to ensure that patient care and safety is not compromised. Our actions are intended to build the profile of our campaign while protecting patients.
I am not a union member. Can I participate in the industrial action?
In order to take part in actions you need to become a member of VAHPA. As long as you are a member during the action period you are able to participate.
What should we do if we feel targeted because of our participation in industrial action?
Targeting of staff for participation in protected action is unlawful and a breach of the Fair Work Act (2009). You should immediately contact VAHPA if this occurs – 1300 322 917.
What should we do if we feel under pressure not to participate in the action?
As a union member you are legally entitled to take part in the protected action. If you have concerns about being pressured by management or otherwise contact your delegate or VAHPA immediately.
How long will the protected industrial action go for?
We need to be prepared to take these protected actions for as long as it takes to achieve a fair and reasonable outcome. VAHPA is continuing to negotiate to reach an agreement as soon as possible.
Will additional types of industrial actions be added?
Depending on the progress of negotiations we may escalate our industrial action. This process will involve further consultation with members.
Will you keep me updated during this period?
Yes. VAHPA will keep members updated on the progress of negotiations as regularly as possible while members are taking protected industrial action.
Will I get to see any proposed agreement if an outcome can be negotiated during the action period?
Absolutely! Your union will take any proposed settlement to a mass meeting of members for debate and endorsement.
Who do I contact if I am unsure of anything during the period of protected industrial action?
If you have any questions contact either your workplace delegate or your Organiser – 1300 322 917.