A part-time podiatrist who believed she had been wrongly classified has won more than $5,600 in back-pay with the support of the Health Professionals Union. Earlier this year the podiatrist sought help, believing she was being wrongly paid at Grade 2 level when her position was actually Grade 3. Following the Union’s intervention, her employer has agreed on the reclassification with back-pay for six years. The case shows the value of gaining effective advice and representation from the Health Professionals Union. “It also shows the value of persistence and why members should not be afraid to raise concerns.  Keeping relevant documents and a record of meetings and conversations with management are important to building your case as well,” said John Ryan, Organiser.

Since the start of 2013 more than 100 individual member issues concerning workplace rights and entitlements have been dealt with by the Health Professionals Union. A further 32 collective issues concerning multiple health professionals in a workplace are also being addressed. 

If you have a concern about being under-payed or accessing a condition in your Enterprise Agreement please contact the Health Professionals Union — ph 1300 322 917 or info@hsuhp.asn.au