Speech Pathologists, Occupational Therapists, Physiotherapists and Social Workers employed as Early Intervention Professionals at disability organisation, Noah’s Ark, received a shock in the new year when management informed the VHPA that they wanted to terminate their expired agreement and move them on to the Health Professional and Support Services Award 2010.

“The VHPA were just about to serve a log of claims on Noah’s Ark to initiate bargaining when we received correspondence advising they wanted to terminate the EA and move staff onto the Award” said VHPA Organiser, Emma Brelsford, “It was both a shock and a disappointment to staff that their employer would seek to reduce their conditions”.

The VHPA are concerned that Health Professionals at Noah’s Ark will fall behind the rest of the disability sector if they roll back to the Award.  Recent gains such as those achieved at Yooralla will not flow on to Noah’s Ark Health Professionals if this change goes through. These improvements include more Professional Development leave, better career structure and the introduction of ADO’s

Staff at Noah’s Ark are encouraged to sign the petition in their workplace stating they want the VHPA to negotiate an Enterprise Agreement on their behalf.  Workplace meetings are also being held at a number of metropolitan and regional sites.

Contact Emma Brelsford at the VHPA on 1300 322 917 for more information.