More changes are underway at PeterMac with hospital management recently releasing a Change Impact Statement regarding restructuring the operation of the Allied Health Department.
While the Statement contains a vast amount of information, it does not include any timeframe for consultation with the Victorian Health Professionals Association. This is somewhat surprising considering the importance of adequately consulting with employees to ensure the best outcome.
The VHPA is currently taking steps to address this issue and ensure the views of Allied Health employees are fully considered.
All Peter Mac Allied Health staff — members and non-members — are encouraged to attend a meeting on Wednesday 9 August @ 12.30 in the OT & Physio Treatment Room.
>> For further details please contact Jay Morrison, VHPA Organiser.
Pictured: PeterMac RTs meeting with management on Weds 31 July (from L to R): Jayson (filling in for Belinda), Glen, Michelle, Rhonda, David, Glenn and Andrew Hewat, VHPA Assistant Secretary.