As AHPs, we know from experience that inequity continues to be the reality in the workplace.
Whether that’s through the distribution of wealth, career progression or the challenges in being a primary caregiver and balancing the demands of an increasingly demanding job.
Barriers to receiving timely, affordable and accessible care – from endometriosis to pelvic health, from abortion to fertility – remain interminably entrenched.
VAHPA continues to struggle for affordable access to childcare, Flexible Working Arrangements, a safe workplace free of sexual harassment and discrimination.
We are angry that despite years of research, advocacy and struggle that we still have so far to go to achieve justice, safety, respect and equality for all women.
We ask you to come march with us this International Women’s Day!
Join us as we rally through Melbourne together on Thursday 7 March at 5.30pm to demand real action. What won’t you be silent about? What action do you want to see?
We welcome and encourage all women, cis and trans, non-binary and gender diverse folks of all age, size, colour, race, sexuality, identity, religion and culture and our allies and comrades to attend the rally.
Rachel Bos: Kaurna woman, mother, partner and sister and is currently working as ACTU’s First Nations Educator
Sharan Burrow: global advocate for human rights, climate action and Just Transition. Sharan is the Former General Secretary of the International Trade Union Confederation
Jackie Turner: Director of the Trans Justice Project. Jackie is passionate about community power, developing the leadership of LGBTQIA+ people and building movements that can win
Noura Mansour: Palestinian educator, political analyst, writer, activist and community organiser from Akka. Community Organising and Advocacy Lead at APAN
Jayde and Julie: rank and file members of the CFMEU on women in construction and the campaign to end NDAs
Event Details:
How: Event page link
When: March 7th 5:30pm
Where: State Library Victoria