hands_allOn Thursday 27 June, HIS Members held a mass meeting at Trades Hall to discuss the latest offer from HIS.  There was good representation across the HIS sites.

The discussion was comprehensive and robust and the commitment of the membership, given the protracted nature of the struggle, was as stirring as it was apparent.

Talk focused on the merits of the current offer. However members also gave consideration to their position in relation to other Health Professionals covered by EA’s recently negotiated by the Branch. Further, members debated the implications of the current struggle for the next round of bargaining and to how they would be positioned in the longer term.

Members were clear that acceptance of the current offer would see HIS employees fall significantly behind others in the sector and could well set a far-reaching precedent for poor wages and conditions.

Members therefore voted unanimously to reject the agreement and continue the fight for fair and reasonable wages and conditions.

A Stop Work meeting has been notified for Monday 7 July from 1pm to Midnight.


HIS management have offered to return to bargaining
 however not until Thursday 10 July. Whilst we have confirmed we are available that day, we’ve advised that only a written guarantee that any pay rise will apply from 1 July 2014 will convince VHPA Members at HIS to delay the stop work; HIS Members have waited long enough!