Health Professionals at Healthscope can look forward to a total pay rise of an estimated $13,000 under a proposed new Enterprise Agreement (EA).
The Healthscope EA provides for three pay rises including backpay over the three-year term of the EA, with Health Professionals receiving:
- 2.75% backpay for the past year (from 1/9/2012);
- 3.00% from 1/9/2013; and
- 3.00% from the first pay period commencing on or after 1/9/2014.
For many VHPA members who are on the Grade 2 Year 5 pay point this will translate to around $2000 in backpay and an immediate rise in pay of $83 a week with a total rise of $128 from this time next year.
Over the life of the Agreement to September 2015, this will add up to an estimated extra pay of $13,000 for a typical VHPA member.
While it is regrettable that the negotiating process has been drawn out, the VHPA leadership felt strongly that the initial offer of a 7.5% total pay rise was inadequate and did not reflect what we believe Health Professionals at Healthscope warranted.
At a total of 8.75%, the final pay rise is 1.25% better than the original proposal. For the average full time Health Professional this represents an extra $2670 over the life of the Agreement – a significant improvement.
The VHPA has also achieved an increase to professional development entitlements as part of the EA.
While the VHPA has given in-principle agreement, the EA will now be subject to a vote by staff before it is certified and the pay rises can take effect.
I resigned from my post as a Grade 2 Physiotherapist at Como Private Hospital which is a Healthscope hospital on 22nd May 2013 is there any chance that I will get any back pay from 1st September 2012?
Good question … Luke, our Member Assist Organiser, will be in touch with you shortly to check your details and whether this is possible. Regards