The Victorian Allied Health Professionals Association (VAHPA) is seeking a suitably qualified and committed member to fill the role of Ordinary Member on our Branch Committee of Management (BCOM).

Loyal unionist and diligent board member, Bruce Poole, recently resigned from his position as Branch Trustee. Bruce was part of the Clean Sweep team who in late 2012 brought the union back to control by the membership; his dedication, expertise and razor-wit will be sorely missed.

Members need to understand that VAHPA is a democratic organisation run by the members for the members. All financial members have the right to sit on the Committee so that they can oversee the direction the union is taking and ensure that the needs of the membership are the number one priority.

Members should acquaint themselves with all aspects of the Rules but in particular should be familiar with the structure and roles of BCOM. See the Rules of the HSU (particularly Part C – Branch Organisation).

BCOM is obliged to fill the casual vacancy created by Bruce’s departure in a timely manner. We are thus seeking expressions of interest (EOI) from the membership—please email EOIs to The Committee will consider all EOIs at the next meeting, slated for 12 July, and will make an appointment based on a range of factors from governance experience to work specialisation, from knowledge of financial management to expertise in industrial relations.

Expressions of Interest should, at the minimum, cover the following areas:

  • Vocation
  • Employer
  • Industrial relations experience
  • Previous experience with boards
  • Experience with financial management
  • Knowledge of the Health Services Union
  • Broad politico-philosophical views