Formal bargaining for a new Allied Health Professionals Enterprise Agreement has finally commenced—members will receive their Notice of Employee Representational Rights, signifying the start of formal bargaining, in the coming days. The move comes in direct response to today’s rally at Treasury.

Over a hundred members turned out to the lunchtime rally to demand a stop to the delays and a start to bargaining. Meanwhile members across the state wore their Code Blue t-shirts in solidarity with those rallying.

Late yesterday, the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) contacted VAHPA to request an urgent meeting. The meeting, between VAHPA Secretary, Craig McGregor, and Minister for Health, Jill Hennessy, went ahead at 10 am this morning. McGregor described the meeting as, “a late but positive move on the part of the Department”.

“We have been pressing the government to come to the table since early September but have been totally stonewalled, until this week,” noted McGregor.

VAHPA, DHHS, Industrial Relations Victoria and the Victorian Hospitals’ Industrial Association have now locked in a series of intensive meetings starting in early January 2016.

“The response of the Department of Health and Human Services is a testament to the power of solidarity and determined political action,” continued McGregor.

“Logic, research and carefully worded arguments must sit on a foundation of respect and genuine political action if they are to be effective.”

“This is a great result for Allied Health Professionals. We are raring to get into intensive meetings commencing in early January,” concluded McGregor.

Many thanks to all those who supported us today!