Medical Radiation practitioners across the country are obliged by law to ensure that their Registration is valid and up to date. The deadline for this year is fast approaching with the final renewal date being 30 November. 
Practitioners in Victoria must be both Registered and Licenced. Registration is managed by the Medical Radiation Practice Board of Australia (MRPBA), under the auspices of Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA), while Licencing is handled by the Department of Health.
The registration process was previously an exasperating experience. This is no longer the case thanks to the AHPRA online application process.
Workforce data
Another advantage with the online registration process is that it allows MITs to take part in the annual Health Workforce survey. The VHPA has a series of concerns relevant to workforce data and this is an opportunity for MITs to have a say.
It is our contention that the current workforce data (that used to plan for the future of the sector) overstates the need for expanding the MIT workforce. This in conjunction with recent increases in MIT student numbers, a growing number of unemployed Victorian MITs, the potential loss of radiography work to Allied Health Assistants could have a serious impact on the wages and conditions of MITs across the state. We would encourage you to take part in this survey and have a say on this vital question.
We frequently field questions about the Australian Institute of Radiography’s (AIR’s) role in licencing and registration. To be clear, the AIR has no role in licencing or registration. There is no requirement for practitioners to hold a Valid Statement of Accreditation (VSoA) or be a member of the Australian Institute of Radiography (AIR).
Clause 11
At over $300 a year, registration fees are not cheap. However public sector MITs will receive a minimum $150 annual payment (pro-rata for part-time employees), paid on or around 1 November, which may be used to offset the cost of Registration—see sub-clause 30.15.4 in the varied public sector agreement. This arrangement was negotiated by the VHPA as part of the Clause 11 package.
Make sure your friends and colleagues are aware of their rights and obligations. Feel free to contact the VHPA on the question of licencing or registration.