VAHPA, the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) and the Victorian Hospital’s Industrial Association (VHIA) continue to bargain in an attempt to resolve all outstanding matters tonight.

The key outstanding area of contention remains advanced scope of practice.

“We cannot allow the VHIA to establish a second rate structure for advanced practice allied health professionals. This work is vital to the future of allied health,” said VAHPA Secretary Craig McGregor.

“We are already seeing professional encroachment by allied health assistants and we have serious concerns about a roll-out of diploma qualifications for ‘low level’ allied health clinicians. If we don’t get advanced practice right now allied health will find itself in a very bad place over the coming decade”

The issue of respect for Allied Health Professionals is expected to be central to tomorrow’s stop work meeting and the subsequent rally.

“I am appalled at the lack of respect shown by the VHIA to Advanced Practice Allied Health Professionals. Sadly, their intransigent approach looks set to do significant damage to the reputation the Andrews government,” concluded McGregor.

Over 600 VAHPA Members have confirmed their meeting attendance  – bring an Allied Health colleague with you!

Together we can resolve this issue!

Stop Work Meeting
04 August 2 – 4 pm followed by a march on Treasury.
Members are reminded that dinosaurs and t-shirts are essential.