Your Guide to Pay Rates

It’s that time of the year again when people are starting to ask others what their plans are for Christmas or New Year’s Day. For many, the answer will be “I’m working”.

Whilst we are not sure if Santa and the reindeer get penalty rates for working the night shift on Christmas Eve, we do know what Allied Health Professionals do. So we’ve put together a brief guide to help you find out what rates of pay you can expect, and any other issues to be aware of when working over the Christmas/New Year period.

New Year’s Day
The Victorian Government has listed both 1 and 2 January 2017 as being observable Public Holidays. So those who work on the New Year’s Day Sunday will be paid at Public Holiday rates as will those who work on the Monday when it is officially observed.

This is because the National Employment Standards states that 1 January and “any other day…declared or prescribed by…a State or Territory…as a public holiday” are to be considered as Public Holidays [cl 115(1) of Fair Work Act 2009].

Christmas Day
Unfortunately, Christmas Day has been declared by the Victorian Government to be observed on 27 December, so working on 25 December may not result in being paid at Public Holiday rates, depending on your Agreement. Below is how it is paid for non-casual employees under the Agreements relevant to the majority of VAHPA members.


For all other members, check your Agreements and if in doubt, call VAHPA on 1300 322 917.