Members of the Health Workers Union (HWU) (HSU Vic No. 1 Branch) will be voting on their new public sector agreement over the coming weeks. The ballot is open between 2 November and 14 November. This agreement sets the wages and conditions of Health and Allied Services people, Managers and Administrative workers.

This agreement, and the associated ballot, is not relevant to Allied Health Professionals and members of VAHPA.

While the Allied Health Professional agreement was previously combined with that covering members of the HWU this is no longer the case. Allied Health Professionals now have a stand-alone agreement.

Over 12 weeks have passed since we reached agreement with the Victorian Hospitals’ Industrial Association on our public sector agreement. The fact that the agreement has been so thoroughly overhauled means that the process of scrutinising the document to ensure all is in order is a demanding and laborious one. We are nonetheless starting to lose patience with the delay. We will update you as soon as more information becomes available.