Frustrated allied health professionals consider resumption of industrial action in public sector.

Frustrated VAHPA members are beginning to direct their anger towards the Andrews government in response to what they rightly see as unreasonable delays in finalising their pubic sector Enterprise Agreement.

In-principle agreement was reached on 4 August this year. And while significant work has gone into redrafting the document to facilitate a raft of complex changes, there has been little movement since we settled on a draft on 4 October.

“This delay is completely unacceptable,” said VAHPA Secretary Craig McGregor. “We have been more than patient with the government but that time has passed. Any delay in finalising the agreement is likely to adversely effect members who leave their public sector employer prior to payment of the sign-on lump-sum and backpay.”

Members are now being asked to express their view on the resumption of industrial action in an effort to have this agreement finalised.

“We do not take a return to industrial action lightly but we simply cannot accept these pointless and damaging delays any longer,” concluded McGregor.

Posters and other materials, including a press release, are being prepared and will be provided to members.