Community Health Kicks Off!

Community Health Members will be aware that the hard-fought Code Blue Public Sector Campaign concluded successfully last week.

The resultant agreement delivers significant and wide-reaching benefits to the public sector and sets an excellent precedent for Community Health (CHC). Importantly, the end of the campaign (save for some work in relation to the ballot and implementation) means that our organising resources are largely freed up and can now focus on kicking the CHC campaign into gear.

We recently wrote to each of the Community Health CEOs in relation to two key matters:

  1. Do you intend to remain within the Multi-Employer Stand-Alone Agreement?
  2. Do you intend to keep the VHIA as your bargaining agent?

At this point in time we have received responses from around half the 30 relevant centres.  We’ll update you further on this front as the campaign progresses.

Community Health Mass Meeting

There’s lots to consider as we embark on this campaign – part of it gleaned from our collective experience of the last Community Health Campaign and some more added to that from the recent Code Blue Public Sector Campaign.

If the CHC campign is to be successful it will be because the membership, with representation from each of the 30 centres, is activated, involved and determined. The first step is to come together to flesh out a strategy.

All Community Health Allied Health Professionals are invited to a Mass Meeting on Wednesday 7 September @ 6:30PM at the Victorian Trades Hall Council (Cnr Victoria & Lygon St).

CHC Survey

VAHPA has grown significantly since the last time we campaigned in Community Health—in terms of resources, experience and determination.

Our Campaign Organisers, a strike-force comprising over a dozen committed AHP student members, who proved invaluable during the Code Blue campaign, are ready and raring to go in Community Health. You can expect to hear from them in coming weeks as we start talking with Community Health AHPs about what they want and need from this new Agreement.

Be clear, we will be in touch with you and we will be asking you to get involved. Your union is only as effective as you are active! If you want a good outcome you will need to be ready to campaign and campaign hard.

New Co-Workers

All Centres will have had new AHPs join them at work since the conclusion of the last Agreement. Sadly, not all of them will be aware of VAHPA.  Please take this opportunity to encourage your co-workers to join their union. The following link is useful for getting more involved and for making sure you and your colleagues receive all relevant campaign updates.

Got Questions? 

Please don’t hesitate to contact VAHPA on 1300 322 917 or via email at

We look forward to seeing you all at the 7 September Mass Meeting and working with you on this campaign!