The Public Sector ballot for the recently negotiated Allied Health Enterprise Agreement opens today.
Together we have worked hard to achieve this outcome. It is vital that we get a good turn out for the ballot and that the agreement gets voted up!
The wages and conditions set out by the agreement apply to all relevant employees. As such all employees are eligible to vote; the vote is not limited to VAHPA members.
It was of course VAHPA members who dedicated their time and money to get this outcome for all Allied Health Professionals. Without you we would have no income and Allied Health Professionals would have no industrial voice. VAHPA members must be congratulated for their commitment to healthcare and to improving the wages and conditions of all Victorian AHPs.
Please encourage your colleagues to join VAHPA and stand together with us for the benefit of all!
The ballot closes on Tuesday 13 December.
Click on the below link to the online ballot:
See the screen shot below…
To vote you will need your:
- Surname
- Employee number
- Date of birth
- Name of Employer
Vote early to ensure you get your vote in.