“VAHPA is a democratic community of allied health professionals. Communities thrive where members are active and committed.”
— Craig McGregor, VAHPA Secretary
VAHPA members are vital to the effective running of our health system, so that patients are provided with the best possible care. Our members work in a significant number of public, community health and private health services.
We are a trade union which promotes and defends the industrial, professional and democratic interests of a growing membership of around 6,000 Allied Health Professionals working in almost all areas of healthcare in Victoria.
Allied Health is the second largest clinical group in the health sector.
We are proud to have members from over fifty critically vital Allied Health professions.
Full membership
Join the union which promotes and defends the industrial, professional and democratic interests of Allied Heath Professionals in Victoria.
Student membership
Student membership is available for students currently enrolled in a course of study that will enable them to seek employment as an Allied Health Professional, but are not currently employed as such.
- Find out who we cover
- Explore our range of member benefits
- View the member contributions structure
- Read our membership policy
- Learn about student membership
- View information on Direct Debit payments