We have received reports of two separate incidents where members have been underpaid for periods of recall over the Australia Day public holiday. In one case the underpayment was due to a payroll system glitch. To ensure you have been paid at the correct rate, the VHPA urge members recalled over the holiday to check their payslips.
The members had agreed to be on – call during the Australia Day public holiday, and were subsequently recalled for duty. Payroll at both hospitals incorrectly calculated entitlements, resulting in significant underpayments. Both members informed payroll of the error, only to be told that they were paid correctly.
For at least one of these hospitals, the error was caused by a systematic failure in the payroll system which has resulted in public holiday recall pay now having to be manually checked for every public holiday until the system can be properly fixed.
The VHPA contacted both employers to request an immediate pay adjustment for affected employees, and to insist that action is taken to avoid such underpayments in future. In both cases, management only addressed the issue following action from members and the VHPA – one of these member has now had their entitlements paid in full and the other’s case is currently being resolved.
With the Labour Day, Easter and Anzac Day public holidays fast approaching, it’s a timely reminder for all Health Professionals to be vigilant about your pay. Make sure you’re being paid the correct rate by checking payslips from past public holidays and payslips for the coming public holidays. If you are unsure of your entitlements or suspect you have been underpaid, please contact VHPA Member Assist via info@vahpa.asn.au or 1300 322 917.