In late 2014, the Organising Team ran a series of ‘Lunch n Learn’ sessions in the Public Sector around the theme of “Know Your Agreement”. The sessions proved to be quite successful, in many cases identifying entitlements that staff weren’t aware of and clarifying questions around others. These sessions were complemented with a series of FAQ fact sheets produced by VAHPA.
VAHPA Members in Community Health achieved a greatly improved Agreement earlier this year. We want to ensure everyone understands those improved benefits and utilises them.
Work is underway on Community Health FAQ resources and we’re keen to start booking in Lunch n Learn sessions.
“It seems obvious, but the point of fighting for improved conditions is so that as many Members as possible enjoy those benefits, as well as the pay rise” said VAHPA Lead Organiser, Linda Jenkin. “It’s quite common for our Members to be so focused on their work that they forget about accessing those improved conditions they fought for and won.”
If you are working in a Community Centre and would like a Lunch N Learn at your workplace, please email us via this link CHC LnL.