As advised in previous E-news editions, the second annual VHPA Conference will be held on May 7 & 8, 2015 at the Darebin Arts & Entertainment Centre in Preston.
This year’s Conference, “Power, Legitimacy & Action”, will focus on understanding the nature of workplace relationships, and using this knowledge to secure better outcomes for Health Professionals.
The first day of the Conference will bring together VHPA Members from all sectors, whilst the second day will be related specifically to the Public Sector Enterprise Agreement Campaign.
“Whatever other media you use to keep Members and Delegates informed,” said VHPA Secretary, Craig McGregor, “nothing beats having everyone together to share their knowledge and experiences and determine collectively how to best go forward.”
“It’s also a great opportunity to learn from other Unions about what worked – or didn’t – in their campaigns,” said McGregor. “There’s a lot of knowledge out there and we should avail ourselves of as much of it as possible and then adapt it to our needs.”
If you are a VHPA Member we urge you to register as soon as possible as places will be limited. If you are interested in becoming a VHPA Delegate we would encourage you to register and one of the Organising Team will be in contact to discus the role with you further.
Members intending to access any leave for Conference attendance should also lodge their applications with their Employers as soon as possible.
You can register for the VHPA Conference here as well as reserve for accommodation if you’re a regional Member. The cost of accommodation is covered by the Branch and assistance with travel costs is also available.