Members should be aware that the Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) has issued a post-election report on the contested election for the position of Ordinary Member of the Branch Committee of Management.

As members, you have every right to see all post-election reports and all declarations of results of relevance to the Branch.

Click here for the Declaration of Results and here for the Post-Election Report.

Once again, congratulations to Sandra McCallum on being elected to the position. It is great to see members taking action to ensure the Branch is run by the members and for the members.

National Assistant Secretary
Members should also be aware that Tim Jacobson, Secretary of the Tasmania Branch of the HSU, has been elected to the position of National Assistant Secretary.

National Officer positions, of which there are 7, are elected directly by the members of National Council. Jacobson received an impressive 76% of all eligible votes cast, defeating Diana Asmar, Secretary of the Victoria No. 1 Branch, convincingly.

Gerard Hayes, Secretary of HSU NSW, previously held the position.

For further information see HSU Rules, Clauses 14 – National Officers & 23 – Elections.

VAHPA would like to extend congratulations to Tim on the result of the election and wish him well in the role.

Mark Sterrey of the NSW Branch is also in line for congratulations for his uncontested election to the position of National Junior Vice President. VAHPA wishes him will in the role.