NEGOTIATIONS for improvements to job conditions, rates of pay, retention and career paths for public sector Health Professionals are in a final stage. The final configuration of the reclassification is now being formulated by the HSU Health Professionals Branch HSU Branch 1, the Health Department and VHIA.
The HSU Health Professionals is seeking the best possible outcome in terms of additional pay and conditions and a better career structure for thousands of Health Professionals working in the public sector.

There is a significant push on the part of the Department to see all ten new Clinical Educators allocated to rural areas. While there is certainly great need in rural Victoria, we are working to ensure the allocation of these new positions is fair and equitable — being based on genuine need. Negotiations on this issue and other aspects of the overall package are continuing.

“This is the end game in a long and protracted process. We are determined to win more secure and rewarding career paths for Health Professionals and hope to achieve this in coming weeks,” said Craig McGregor, Secretary of HSU Health Professionals.

>> See previous article with details on the HSU HP’s Review Proposal