Negotiations for more than twelve different Enterprise Agreements (EA) are either underway or soon to start. These Agreements will determine the pay and conditions for thousands of health professionals over the next few years; if you work for one of the following employers please get involved.

Remember, everyone in the workplace benefits when the Union wins better conditions, so it’s only fair that people join in. Please forward this post and a Membership Form to any colleagues you think would be interested in joining.

Here is an update on the status of our current collective bargaining campaigns:

Cabrini Health — negotiations with management are in progress.
CASA House (Geelong) — negotiations are in progress.
Community Health — draft log of claims is currently awaiting endorsement by members.
Eastern Palliative Care Association — formal negotiations commence today (Weds 12 June).
Epworth HealthCare — delegate election process is underway, log of claims is under development.
Healthe Care — management to put latest offer to staff vote on Friday, member and staff meetings to discuss union position are being held.
Healthscope Hospitals — in-principle support has been given to new EA, final drafting by management is underway.
Healthcare Imaging Services (HIS) — formal negotiations to start in June.
Radar Medical Imaging — EA process due to start soon.
Ramsay Health Care — in-principle support given to new EA, we are now awaiting document drafting by management.
St John of God Health Care completed.
St John of God Pathology — completed.
South Eastern Palliative Care — log of claims under development, negotiations to commence 19 June.
St Vincent’s Private — completed.
Yooralla — EA process due to start soon.

>> For further information please contact Linda Jenkin, Lead Organiser ph 1300 322 917.