Here is a brief update on the progress we are making with the Enterprise Agreements the VHPA has been working on this year:
Barwon CASA
Negotiations have now been completed at Barwon CASA, with the Agreement to go out to vote shortly. The Agreement seeks a cost of living pay increase, sees increases to the amount of paid parental leave, paid study and professional development leave, sees TOIL be accrued at overtime rates, as well as improving the Dispute Resolution and Change management clauses amongst other things.
Cabrini Health
Negotiations with Cabrini management over the final wording of the agreed changes to several clauses are still in progress, though we are hopeful they will be resolved soon. While Cabrini Health Professionals are anxiously awaiting the back pay they are due to receive when the Agreement is finalised, it is essential that the final drafting is accurate and done carefully to ensure members’ entitlements are properly protected.
Community Health
Logs of claims have been lodged with sixteen Community Health Centres and meetings have been held with management of ten Centres. This major campaign is ongoing with this month’s three-year anniversary of the last pay rise for Community Health Professionals sparking further action in targeted workplaces.
Eastern Palliative Care (EPC)
Negotiations are continuing for the EPC Agreement. Progress has been slow, but improved processes around Dispute Resolution, Change Management, and Reclassification have been won, as well as no cap on the on the salary on which annual leave loading is calculated, and improved compassionate leave.
Epworth HealthCare
Epworth Health Professionals have lodged a log of claims but despite several negotiating meetings, Epworth management are playing hardball, which is not unusual for this employer. Follow up meetings of VHPA members regarding management’s responses have been held at most sites and a further negotiating meeting with management is due later in November.
Healthcare Imaging Services (HIS)
HIS management responded to the VHPA’s log of claims with a set of proposals that would strip away many conditions back to the Award minimum. Understandably, our members did not respond kindly to this short-sighted and disrespectful response by HIS management. A VHPA phone out to members has occurred and workplace meetings are currently planned. The next bargaining meeting with HIS management is due for 20 November.
Ramsay Health Care
While the content of the proposed new Ramsay Agreement has largely been agreed to by both management and the VHPA, final drafting is still occurring, with another drafting meeting taking place this week. Again, it is important to get this drafting right to ensure proper protection of members’ entitlements, particularly given the significant changes in the structure and wording of the Agreement proposed by Ramsay.
As previously indicated, the VHPA has served a log of claims on Yooralla for an Enterprise Agreement specific to Health Professionals and two bargaining meetings have been held, with another scheduled for Friday.
Other 2013 Agreements
Healthe Care – EA completed.
Healthscope – EA completed.
SEPC – EA completed.
St John of God Health Care — EA completed.
St John of God Pathology — EA completed.
St Vincent’s Private — EA completed.
Thanks again for providing feedback on how things are progressing.
I am covered under the Ramsay agreement and they are already paying us the new rates, I am still amazed that it hasn’t been presented to members as yet.
It is good to know you have our backs and are diligent in checking the new draft process.
We appreciate it.
Thanks again
Thanks for your feedback.