Since its lively and successful launch in August, there has been plenty of action on the Code Blue campaign front, much of it behind the scenes.

Members should keep an eye out for our Code Blue campaign guide in the coming weeks. It will be a central document for members during the campaign. We have also been working on a range of campaign posters to help explain what we are fighting for, and have been busy finalising our team of bargaining representatives from across the state.

“I am confident members will find the campaign guide to be an invaluable resource during this campaign,” said VAHPA Secretary Craig McGregor.
The log of claims, together with the claims made by hospital employers, will underpin negotiations for the new public sector enterprise agreement.

Code Blue was launched on Tuesday 25 August, and as you can see from the photo, the campaign is a matter of public interest. This is because the work our members do is important to all Victorians.

However, politics and public interest are not always rationally aligned. If we are to get the kind of political respect that we deserve, if the Allied Health Professional workforce is to be properly resourced, and if we are to get the outcomes that we and all Victorians need, then we will need to be smart, committed, and very active.

This is your agreement; they are your wages & your conditions. VAHPA is your union and this is your campaign! You need to be involved. It is time for all members to stand up and demand respect.

Keep your eye out for the campaign guide and get ready to do your bit to ensure your wages and conditions are fair and reasonable.