The VHPA has done significant work over the past year or so negotiating the Clause 11 Classification Review. The gains that flow from this process are of benefit to all public sector workers and not just to VHPA members.

It is important that non-members appreciate that you have paid for this outcome—moreover, they need to appreciate the benefits of membership.

Below are links 4 posters for download. Please print them off and put them up in your workplace. These posters point out the key advances to come out of this process and inspire non-members to join.

Clause-11-posters-1-sm  Clause-11-posters-2-sm  Clause-11-posters-3-sm  Clause-11-posters-4-sm

If the VHPA is to be as strong and effective as it can be, we need to continue on our upward trajectory.