Public sector members will have the opportunity to vote on the Clause 11 Classification Review during the upcoming ballot period 11 August to 21 August.
As members will be aware, the VHPA completed its negotiations in March this year; the HWU completed their negotiations some weeks after this and earlier this month the Department of Health finalised the consolidated version of the varied Agreement to be voted on.
Employees will be provided with access to the finalised Agreement, the Victorian Public Health Sector (Health Professionals, Health and Allied Services, Managers & Administrative Officers) Enterprise Agreement 2011 – 2015, a summary of changes and details of the process at least 7 days prior to the opening of the ballot.
It is our understanding that the Australian Election Company (note, this organisation is not the Australian Electoral Commission) will be running a phone ballot with eligible voters receiving a unique PIN and Password combination that will ensure the integrity of the vote.
“This has been a long and difficult process however we are very proud of what we have achieved in these negotiations. Particularly with regard the Managerial structures that were very much under threat,” noted VHPA Assistant Secretary Andrew Hewat.
All employees should receive details on the ballot process and the key documents in the coming weeks.
Could you please state what the Clause 11 classification is, what the choices are and what’s the benefit of each is, so I can vote with knowledge. Thank you
Hi Carole,
I trust you have all the necessary documentation now. Your employer has a legal responsibility to provide you with the text. If you are still without a summary of key changes and a copy of the Agreement feel free to call the office and ask for me.
Cheers, Craig.
Some members have received the phone ballot information but are unsure what they are voting on. As delegate i have been getting lots of questions? is there someplace we can direct members for this information?
Hi Cristina,
Thanks for your comment. Your employer is legally obliged to provide you with a copy of the varied Agreement; the VHIA also agreed to put out a summary of key changes document. You should have been emailed this information or been made aware of it if it is on the intranet at your workplace. Further, we have put out many of the details as part of our regular e-news letter over the year and have a series of posters and an FAQ that will go out on Monday morning. This classification review has been negotiated for over 12 months and sees the Health Professional body receive $7.2 million in improvements to wages and conditions. You will need to vote yes to see these improvements effected. I recommend using the summary as an index of sorts and referring to the relevant sectors of the Agreement for details on all the changes. Feel free to call the office for more details or to talk through the logic underlying the claims.
Many thanks,
Craig McGregor.