By now you should have received a number of documents relevant to the Clause 11 Classification Review from your employer.
Among them should be a copy of the varied Public Sector Agreement, a summary of key changes and the Australian Election Company (AEC) Ballot information paper or FAQ.
The negotiated changes see the health Professional group reap some $7.2 million in improvements to wages and conditions. This package includes a new increment at the top of Grade 2, a once-a-year lump-sum CPD payment of between $150 and $400, time off in lieu (TOIL) for conference leave taken on weekends and a new classification for sonographers.
Employees will need to VOTE YES to ensure that these changes are effected.
Just prior to the Ballot opening you will receive further information—a unique login / password combination and voting instructions.
If you do not receive these documents you will need to contact your Human Resources department to request a copy.
The ballot opens on Monday 11 August and closes on Wednesday 20 August at midnight.
We recognise that the process has been a long and difficult one and would like to thank all members for their persistence, guidance and hard work on this project. We are tremendously proud of what we have collectively achieved in these negotiations.
We look forward to working with you on the next public sector Agreement during the course of 2015.
All queries should be directed to or via phone on (03)-9269-6101