Alfred forced to back down on physio restructure
Alfred forced to back down on physio restructure
18 Dec 2013
Vigorous intervention by the VHPA has forced The Alfred to retract proposed changes to the physiotherapy service in the Burns Unit. The proposal woul...
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Media spotlight on Red Cross job cuts
Media spotlight on Red Cross job cuts
20 Nov 2013
Quick work by the VHPA put the proposed job cuts by the Red Cross Blood Service under the media spotlight last week. In a rare example of negative co...
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Redundancies at Melbourne Health to worsen staff workloads
Redundancies at Melbourne Health to worsen staff workloads
20 Nov 2013
A round of up to 100 voluntary redundancies at Melbourne Health is bound to worsen staff workloads and could increase patient waiting times says the V...
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Red Cross announces major restructure with 70 Health Professionals to be made redundant
Red Cross announces major restructure with 70 Health Professionals to be made redundant
13 Nov 2013
Documents obtained by the VHPA reveal that 70 Grade 3,4 and 5 positions are to be made redundant in a massive loss of skilled roles for Health Profess...
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Employers must first redeploy: Federal Court
Employers must first redeploy: Federal Court
12 Aug 2013
In a big legal win for employees, the Federal Court confirmed last week there is a duty on employers to maintain a relationship of trust and confidenc...
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Win for fairness as Biomedical Engineering redundancy is withdrawn
Win for fairness as Biomedical Engineering redundancy is withdrawn
22 Jul 2013
In another win for transparency and fairness in the workplace, a Biomedical Engineering redundancy at the Royal Children’s has been withdrawn for a ...
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