The next big Change The Rules rally, around the theme of wages, has been called for the 23rd of October.

WHEN: Tuesday, October 23, 10.30am
WHERE: Victorian Trades Hall, 54 Victoria St Carlton.

Are you in?

This will be of the same scale as the May 9 Change The Rules rally, which saw more than 120,000 union members and supporters take to the streets of Melbourne in protest against Australia’s broken industrial relations laws.

The union-led campaign for a national wage increase could not come at a better time. For nearly 20 years, there has been no real increase in wages, while during that same time period, cost of living has continued to spiral upward.

For years, successive governments have sought to privatise essential services (including healthcare), strip funding to these services and allow big business to attack wages and conditions; while blaming new immigrants and the poor for the woes of working people.

Enough is enough. It is time to take a stand, fight back and unite to win a fairer share for all working people.

We encourage Victorian Allied Health Professionals Association (VAHPA) members to attend this rally.