A SUCCESSFUL case by the VHPA before the Fair Work Commission last week has won a member a massive $7000 back-pay.
The VHPA’s industrial team successfully argued the Heath Professional was entitled to a Qualifications Allowance that stretched back more than a year and a half.
The member’s case has been on-going for years but we managed to achieve a successful outcome thanks to the work of our new organising and industrial team. The VHPA ran the case at no charge to the member.
Health Professionals with a relevant qualification that is higher than necessary for their base role are entitled to an additional payment if their Agreement or Award contains a Qualifications Allowance.
“If you believe you are entitled to a Qualifications Allowance and have been told by your employer that you are not entitled to be paid one you should double-check with the VHPA,” said Alex Leszczynski, Senior Industrial Co-ordinator.
>> Member Assist Helpline 1300 322 917