VAHPA membership dues will increase on 1 January 2017. This measure is being implemented in accordance with a decision made by the Branch Committee of Management in August.

The rate of increase is minimal and has been kept as low as possible.   It is below the rate rise in the Public Sector and most of our other EAs.

The maximum increase is 2.5%.  As there are some very slight differences between membership categories, each VAHPA member will receive a letter to advise specifically.

The increase is necessary to enable us to  deal with increases in expenditure and outgoings whilst continuing to increase our services and organising capacity.

As flagged late last year, we are moving to a system that will see membership dues tied into wage increases in the public sector. That is, increases to your union dues will coincide with increases to the wages of the bulk of the membership. This structure works to ensure increases are predictable, transparent and as fair as possible.

The following table outlines the new standard rates:


It is important to remember we have part-time and leave rates and we continue to have good take up of these rates. These rates improve equity and have created opportunity for members to be represented during periods of difficulty such as when returning from maternity leave for example. To encourage new graduates we have the early career rate and for students we offer free membership to introduce them to the benefits of unionism.

If you have any questions or concerns feel free to contact the office on: 1300 322 917.