Some Public Sector employees have received their lump sum payment negotiated by VAHPA as part of the new enterprise agreement. If you haven’t then check with your pay office and if they claim to not have received the memo from the VHIA instructing them to do so, then let us know.

For most members this payment will be straightforward, however there are a number of factors that could create complications.

We have drafted a detailed FAQ and uploaded it to your member portal. Please take the time to look over this document to ensure you understand the payment and receive the correct quantum.

Meanwhile, your actual pay-rise and the back-pay to 4th August is coming. VAHPA is working with the VHIA to ensure that health networks will have the necessary instructions on how to implement the pay-rises in the coming weeks. Watch your VAHPA newsletters for updates.

While the focus has been on securing the monetary entitlements of the new agreement, there is still the matter of the annual CPD payment that would have been due last November under the old agreement. VAHPA believes public sector members still have an entitlement to this allowance and we are actively pursuing this. Again, watch for updates.

It is clearly a great time to be a member of VAHPA. If you haven’t joined yet, now is the time! You can join here or by calling 1300 322 917