Last night the Branch Committee of Management met to adopt the VAHPA Audited Financial Report for the 2014-15 financial year. The report is now available for your perusal. Please find the report in your member portal at the VAHPA website.

Our status as a registered organisation imposes certain legal obligations on us. These are found in the Fair Work (Registered Organisation) Act 2009 and in the Rules of the HSU. Among these requirements are a number relating specifically to our finances, our financial records, our accounting practices and our auditing.

Each year the Branch Committee of Management (BCOM) prepares a financial report and an operating report. Our duly appointed auditor makes a detailed examination of these reports and scrutinies our books. Finally an audit report and a management report is prepared and issued to BCOM. After BCOM has adopted the full audited report, it is published to the membership. The entire process takes hundreds of hours and much number crunching.

We are happy to report that the year has been a great success. We continue to grow our membership base, to provide increasing levels of service and political organisation, to improve our processes and, importantly, we are running a surplus.

Many thanks go to the entire Branch Committee for taking a keen interest in all financial matters and to our Finance and Services Manager, Neil Bowker, for going over and above to ensure that the report and audit was performed in a transparent, timely and democratic manner.

I encourage all members to take the time to make themselves aware of the legislative framework that governs the HSU and VAHPA. In particular, it is important that members understand the relevant financial requirements as per the Fair Work (Registered Organisation) Act 2009. Click here for details.

If you have any questions or concerns with the report feel free to contact us.