Pictured Above: VAHPA Secretary Craig McGregor with his partner Sarah and Vin Tagé at the VTHC Yes celebrations.
As a union that stands for fairness, equality and for an end to discrimination, VAHPA welcomes the fact that the majority of Australians support same sex marriage.
After long running campaign of over 13 years, we can now confidently say that 62% of voters stand with us on this vital issue. Significantly, with regards to Australia’s democratic system, the yes vote got up in 133 of 150 electorates.
On a parochial note, Victoria had the highest yes vote of any state at 64.9% (nb. the yes vote in the ACT was higher), while the seat of Melbourne topped the yes vote with 84% of respondents standing in support of same sex marriage.
VAHPA congratulates marriage equality campaigners around the country, especially the union movement, on the success of this incredible campaign.
VAHPA will continue to stand by the LGBTIQ+ community, and calls on Parliament to legislate on this issue prior to the end of the year.