Members at St John of God win 3.25% backdated pay rise
Congratulations to members at St John of God Health Care who recently voted in favour of their Enterprise Agreement which has now been certified. With a fresh approach from the new union leadership and genuine unity among members we were able to achieve a terrific outcome. This was only possibly because our members stood up and voted NO to the previous EA ballot. Members uniting as a collective have allowed a much better outcome to be achieved! Key features are:
- 3.25% pay increase backdated to 1 July 2012
- Retention of all existing conditions, plus:
- Addition of $500 pro rata PD allowance
- Opportunity to access PD leave on both rostered and non-rostered days
- Time in lieu being payed at overtime rate now formalised in the Agreement
- Maternity leave can be accessed in a wider range of personal circumstances
- Improvements to redundancy provisions following more than 5 years service
For more information please contact the Union