Do you ever consider one of your entitlements and think, “I’m not 100% sure how that works/ I wish I understood that better”?
Lunch and Learns are a great way to understand your entitlements in more detail. Whether it be leave, professional development, workloads or consultations, there is little doubt that the more you know about your workplace entitlements, the more likely you are to fully receive the benefits.
The VAHPA Organising Team can run a Know Your Entitlements session at your worksite. Whilst they are usually at lunchtimes (as the name implies), they can also be run at the start or end of day or other times that work for you.
“The new Public Sector Agreement has so many improvements that there will be an ongoing program of these sessions to get everyone across it,” said VAHPA Lead Organiser Linda Jenkin, “but all AHPs can benefit from getting more familiar with their Agreements.”
If you would like to organise a Lunch and Learn session at your workplace, please contact VAHPA on 1300 322 917 or via email