WebOn Friday afternoon, the AEC sent the VHPA 3 important documents of direct relevance to the Branch elections. They are the:

1.     Full election notice

2.     Individual Nomination Form

3.     Team Nomination Form

You can download these forms from our new elections pages by clicking here.

The timetable for the election is as follows:

  • 22 July 2014: Nominations Open
  • 4 August 2014 at 5PM: Nominations Close
  • 9 September 2014: Postal Ballot Opens
  • 10 October 2014 at 5PM: Postal Ballot Closes

It is vital that all members are aware of the election structure, their voting rights and the fact that they have the ability to play an active role in the management of their Union.

For further information please visit the AEC website:


The VHPA is a democratic organisation run by the members for the members. We encourage all members to take an active role in their Union.